Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gorgon-Wensley-zola-dale Sauce

I went looking for a low carb sauce that used Gorgonzola, because I had some in the fridge. I found this.
I read Ina Gartner's recipe for Gorgonzola sauce, but I didn't have enough cream handy nor did I have any Parmesan in the fridge.
So this evening I did a little experimentation and came up with "Gorgon-Wensley-zola-dale Cream Sauce" which tasted wonderful and was completely low carb.
 1 (U.S.) pint of heavy cream.
Some gorgonzola, diced
Some Wensleydale diced
Whole milk
Salt & Pepper.

Put the cream in a sauce pan and boil it for 40-50 minutes (yes, I do mean that). Stir constantly. For this I highly recommend one of those gizmos that dance around in the pan and stir it for you. I have a RoboStir I got a couple of years ago for Christmas. I finally found a use for it.

There will come a point where you see dark bits. That's the cream separating. Throw in the cheese and whisk it until it is smooth. You might need to return it to heat while whisking if the cheese won't melt all the way. Taste it. The Gorgonzola should just about win the taste battle a bit here and have a bit of an after kick. If not, add more or either cheese to make it right.

It will be thick. So add a little milk and whisk. Repeat until the sauce is just thick, rather than solid. Taste it as you go along. The taste should smooth out as you add milk and the Gogonzola kick will be gone leaving just a rich Gorgon-Wensley-zola-dale taste. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Done, without wheat or significant carbs.
If you reheat it, I found it was a good plan to reheat it in a pan, with a little dash of milk and whisk it while it heats. If you just blast it in the microwave, it will separate.
I got two 11 year olds to eat it on roast chicken without complaint, so I call that a result. There aren't many ways to get Gorgonzola into an 11 year old. A pint of cream helps.

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